The Top Five Benefits of Using Temporary Staff to Run Your Vaccine Study

With flu season looming, and COVID-19 on the rise once again, we recently published “Staffing Best Practices for Your Organization’s Flu Study,” where we discussed the type of staff a flu study site needs, when you should start recruiting your staff, and if you should outsource your staff. Here, we’ve expanded on that by sharing the top five benefits of using temporary staff to run your vaccine study.

  1. It’s cost-effective. While there are obvious costs related to working with a staffing partner to hire temporary talent, it’s proven to be cost-effective. Why? Because it allows your permanent staff to maintain productivity and, in turn, produce revenue, without being distracted by seasonal work. There’s no opportunity cost for your full-time workforce when a temporary workforce manages your vaccine study.
  2. It’s flexible. Leveraging temporary workers allows you to seamlessly start, manage, and stop a vaccine study—or a range of other seasonal or temporary work—without compromising your daily operations. Your staffing partner manages the recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and offboarding, so that you only have to offer an initial training and oversee temporary workers on site. It’s largely a hands-off experience from a human resources standpoint.
  3. It’s the best way to find talent experienced in vaccine studies. Here at Medix, for example, we have a deep talent pool of administrative and medical professionals experienced in vaccine studies. They know how to quickly integrate with an organization, communicate and interface with patients, record data, submit data, and more. This translates to a strong sense of trust and less oversight on your part, freeing you up to devote time where it matters most.
  4. It allows your permanent staff to focus on their day-to-day responsibilities. Pulling your full-time staff away from their primary jobs can be detrimental to their most important care management or revenue producing responsibilities. This can negatively affect quality of care, quality of patient experience, and even your bottom line. Taking the seasonal demands of a vaccine study off their plates can do wonders for your organization’s health and your employees’ well-being.
  5. It prevents burnout. You must manage your full-time employees’ workloads, and throwing months-long vaccine studies their way can take its toll. For many administrative and medical positions, there are labor shortages, so they might be in high demand and ultimately be tempted to leave. Be conscious of their workload and mental state, and avoid expensive turnover by bringing in a temporary staff.

It’s time to outsource your flu study.
The benefits are clear. Hiring temporary talent is cost-effective, flexible, and makes managing your vaccine study easier across the board. Once you’ve worked with a clinical research organization and been selected as a study site, contact M. They can guide you through the process of building the temporary team you need. In a few months’ time, you will be up and running, while your permanent staff remains positive and productive.

At Medix, we understand clinical research. We know the type of temporary staff, including their hard skill and soft skills, that you need for your flu study. Connect with us today to staff yours.

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