Understanding Top Trends in EHR Systems and Their Impact on Staffing

Electronic health record (EHR) systems are becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare industry. Professionals in healthcare now use EHR systems in many medical facilities, including private practices and public hospitals and clinics. As a result, there are key trends in EHR systems that can also affect the different ways organizations source and hire candidates for healthcare administration roles. Here are some of the top trends in EHR systems and what they can mean for the future of hiring for these roles.

Top Trends in EHR Systems

Certain trends in EHR systems inform staffing, such as the interoperability of EHR systems as opposed to traditional electronic medical records. EHR systems make it easier to share information across different channels and programs within an organization, including applications for prescribing medications, systems for instant messaging, and methods for processing healthcare records and information.1 EHR systems also use advanced technology to automate processes, which requires an understanding of tech and proficiency in software to ensure effective use.

Other key trends accompanying EHR systems include actions, such as remote care and simplified user experiences, that aim to make medical care more accessible for patients. With simplified user interfaces for EHR systems and similar programs, patients and healthcare staff can experience less stress when navigating medical information. The turn toward remote care can also benefit both patients and providers, as it allows patients to receive care right from their homes, protecting both them and healthcare staff from potentially infectious conditions.

What the EHR Systems Trend Means for Staffing 

Software Use

As many EHR systems involve complex software, it’s more important than ever to find candidates who can use the software effectively. When staffing, you can highlight familiarity with EHR software as a key qualification for these roles. You can even list specific programs you’d like new hires to be familiar with when listing an open role, including the ever-popular Epic software. Consider using interview time to ask candidates about their proficiencies in the software you use to ensure they’re prepared to succeed in your organization.

Technology Skills

Technology skills are essential when working with EHR systems, as they involve retrieving and sharing information across multiple platforms daily. Emphasize technology skills as an essential qualification when creating job descriptions or contacting candidates for roles that involve using EHR systems. This can help increase your chances of hiring a qualified candidate who can handle all the technological job duties they may encounter. You may ask which duties they’ve performed that required the use of technology to learn how they may succeed in your organization.

Burnout Avoidance 

Many healthcare roles now involve using EHR systems, and these automated processes enable professionals to spend less time at their computers documenting medical information. Because of this, using EHR systems can offer lower rates of burnout. With burnout rates reaching record highs after the COVID-19 pandemic, a survey showed that 79% of employees in 2021 had experienced work-related stress the month before, with three in five employees citing negative effects from this stress and burnout.2 

Therefore, emphasizing burnout prevention in the job descriptions for EHR systems roles can be attractive to candidates. This shows prospective candidates that your organization is considering burnout and working proactively to protect employees from it. 

As more facilities use EHR systems, it will continue to affect the staffing processes for organizations in the healthcare industry. If EHR systems sound like the perfect solution for the challenges within your organization, Medix can help you with your hiring processes. Our team is ready to inform you about how to consider trends in EHR systems when hiring and guide you through every step of the process. Contact us today with any questions you may have, and we’ll help you get started.

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  1. “What Is EHR Interoperability and Why Is It Important?” HealthIT.gov, January 15, 2013, https://www.healthit.gov/faq/what-ehr-interoperability-and-why-it-important.
  2. “Burnout and Stress Are Everywhere,” American Psychological Association, January 1, 2022, https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/01/special-burnout-stress.